A Share & Sons T/A ScS Modern Slavery Statement
July 2023

Our commitment

We have a zero tolerance policy to slavery, servitude, forced labour and human trafficking, whether within our own business or within our wider supply chain, here in the UK and overseas. We have clear policies and procedures in line with best industry practice that are underpinned by our values and principles. Together, these demonstrate our continual commitment to eradicate all forms of modern slavery within our supply chains.

Our governance

Tackling modern slavery is a consideration for the whole company. Our approach to addressing modern slavery forms a key part of our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategy, which is overseen by our Supply Chain Sustainability Manager.

Our business

We are one of the leading furniture and flooring retailers in the UK, who sell a wide range of upholstered furniture, flooring, dining and occasional products to our customers. We have 101 showrooms throughout the UK as well as an online channel. The retail network is then further supported by nine strategically placed regional distribution centres. Locations of our showrooms and distribution centres can be seen below.

We employ over 1,800 people across our retail network, distribution centres and head office functions.

Our supply chain

We currently work with a number of suppliers; just under two thirds of our goods are manufactured by these suppliers in the UK and a third in the Far East, with a small portion being manufactured in Europe.

We have continued to benefit from close, well established and stable trading relationships with 1st tier suppliers in both our furniture and flooring product offering.

All our suppliers are required to comply with our supplier terms, which sets out our expectations in relation to labour sourcing, health and safety procedures, anti-bribery and corruption policies, product quality standards and much more.

As a responsible business, we work with our suppliers to promote responsible sourcing and ensure that all workers are treated equally, with respect and are safe at work. As a member of SEDEX, we are able to monitor our suppliers adherence to modern slavery regulations and best practice within our supply chains. This is coupled with our own supplier audits and questionnaires on issues relating to modern slavery.


As part of our commitment to eradicate modern slavery, we have several internal policies and standards in place:

• Modern Slavery policy;
• Code of Conduct;
• Whistleblowing policy;
• Supplier Charter; and
• Safecall Helpline

Due diligence

We have long standing relationships with the majority of our suppliers, with whom we share the same commitment to ensuring that modern slavery does not exist within the supply chain.

This is underpinned by our terms of business, requiring suppliers to demonstrate that they are using ethical manufacturing processes to ensure alignment to local laws, standards set out by the International Labour Organisation, compliance with the nine pillars of the ETI base code and our internal policies and standards, which include:

• clear obligations to comply and implement controls to prevent modern slavery;
• ensuring all employment is voluntary; and
• provision of an employment contract, confirming the employee’s right to leave work and the ability to terminate employment upon expiry of reasonable notice.

Our whistleblowing policy allows the reporting of any wrongdoing and extends to human rights violations, such as modern slavery. Any reporting will be fully investigated and appropriate remedial actions taken.

Risk Assessment

As an organisation, we recognise that there is a risk of modern slavery in any area of our business. We risk assess our supply chain by:

• assessing the risk profile of individual countries based on the Global Slavery Index, together with the inherent profile risk associated with the manufacturing of the goods in that territory; and
• analysing the insights and expertise of specialist third parties, such as SEDEX and associated audits.


In 2022 we:

  • launched our Supplier Charter;
  • reviewed and updated our supplier terms and supplier auditing policies.
  • published our modern slavery statement on the government’s modern slavery register;
  • Achieved 100% SEDEX membership for our flooring supply chain.
  • Achieved 86% SEDEX membership for our furniture supply chain.

In 2023, we will:

  • Complete furniture and flooring supply chain membership of SEDEX in line with our ESG targets
  • Continue to develop our formal ESG strategy.

Assessment of Effectiveness

We recognise that our commitment to tackling modern slavery is an ongoing journey, where we will continue to assess the effectiveness of our approach through our already established risk framework.

so continue to improve communication on this topic with our suppliers and other companies, so that we will be more effective in meeting our common goal of eradicating modern slavery.

This statement is approved by the Board of ScS (pursuant to Section 54, Part 6 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015) and has been signed by the Chief Executive Officer.

Steve Carson
Date: July 2023
